Certification Levels: Public Service

Candidates for the Journeyman rank and higher must document a certain number of public service efforts having been carried out since their last certification.

"Public service" is defined as volunteer service or educational effort promoting honey bees and beekeeping for the benefit of the public.

It is meant to be an “outward-focused" enterprise with the intention of serving the non-beekeeping public, as opposed to an endeavor focused within the industry, i.e., toward our own (other beekeepers). Such public service places a premium on the personal involvement of the candidate. Educational activities in conjunction with commercial ventures generally do not qualify. Newspaper articles about the candidate do not qualify; however, original publications by the candidate may qualify (not be applied reduntantly toward Master Beekeeper subspecialty #6) as long as the nature of the media and the information itself is applicable to the non-beekeeping public.

Public Service Credit

One Public Service Credit (PSC) equals a single, documented event of a qualified public service. Multiple repetitions of a particular activity may count, but only if they involve separate events or invitations. For example, two presentations to fifth grade science classes may qualify as 2 PSCs, but not if they are two successive class periods on the same day.


Documentation is required in the form of evidence presented in a portfolio. Primary evidence includes original media: conference programs, testimonial letters from third parties, newspaper clippings, photographs, or video recordings. Secondary documentation may lack material evidence of the activity, but must at least include a written statement with the title of the event, date, place, time, topic, target clientele group, description of the activity, and its outcome. In general, documentation must be material evidence, in writing; and more detail is better than less. Program directors reserve the right to accept or reject documentation during program audits. Those candidates do best whose portfolios are 3-ring binders with categories plainly tabbed and labeled and the evidence presented in an orderly fashion. Loose scraps of paper are not acceptable. In short, make it easy for the auditors to check off their list.

Approved Activities

The following activities are pre-approved for satisfying PSC requirements. No more than 2 PSCs are permissible within any same category. Other activities may be admissible, but candidates are advised to contact Keith Delaplane (706-542-2816 or ksd@uga.edu) for approval before the testing date.

  1. Presenting bee-related lecture or workshop to non-beekeeping group (youth or adult).
  2. Officership in local beekeeping association.
  3. Volunteer swarm removal (not to exceed 2 PSC).
  4. Volunteer bee colony removal from structure (not to exceed 2 PSC).
  5. Appointment by local County Extension office or other municipal agency as expert contact on bee-related questions or issues (not to exceed 2 PSC).
  6. Assisting with youth organizations' (4-H, Scouts, FFA, etc.) bee related project work.
  7. Mentoring a new beekeeper through at least one complete season.
  8. Public demonstration on beekeeping topic at fair, festival or similar public event.
  9. Providing a hive of bees to pollinate a public garden.
  10. Establishing and maintaining observation hive for school or civic group.
  11. Participating in Georgia state prison beekeeping occupational training program.