
Support the work being done to improve our understanding of bees and their roles in crop pollination and honey production.

Humans depend on bees and other pollinators for up to one-third of the food that we eat. With steadily decreasing forage, increasing toxicity from pesticides and pollution, and the introduction of foreign parasites and diseases in the environment, life is very difficult for pollinators.

Gifts of any size are welcomed and put to practical use in such areas as hive equipment, medication and supplies, lab operations and overhead, as well as data gathering, analysis and reporting.

Unrestricted Gifts

The most flexible category of giving falls under "UNRESTRICTED GIFTS."

To make an unrestricted gift:
[1] make out your check or money order to the University of Georgia,
[2] write and sign a brief cover letter simply stating the following, "Please accept my enclosed check for $ as an unrestricted gift to support the honey bee program," and
[3] enclose your check and letter in an envelope, and mail to:

Dr. Keith Delaplane
UGA Department of Entomology
413 Biological Sciences Building
Athens, GA 30602

Please note:
* DO NOT write anything in the "For" space on your check.
* DO NOT mention "research" or "grant" in your cover letter, as these words imply that the University of Georgia is entering into a contractual agreement.

Similarly, another unrestricted gift category is the Georgia 4-H Foundation. Checks are made out to the Georgia 4-H Foundation and accompanied by a letter similar to that above (see #2).

The main difference with a 4-H Foundation gift is that it cannot be used for student wages, but it is the most liquid and easily administered at our end.

Larger Gifts and Endowments

Larger gifts and endowments are handled through a dedicated office at the University.

More information is available on the Myron Schaer Memorial Endowment page at this website. For those interested in this level of giving, please contact the Senior Director of Development at the CAES Office of Development and Alumni Relations.

Mary Ann Parsons
Mary Ann Parsons Senior Director of Development
Office of Development and Alumni Relations