Welsh Honey Judge - Level 2
Program Requirements
Individuals must complete six requirements prior to becoming a WHJ. Requirements numbered on through five below must be completed before the Final Exam is taken.
1) Become a WHJ Candidate
Complete all program requirements for Level 1.
2) Steward three honey shows under three different WHJs
WHJ Candidates must document their experience as a honey show steward at a minimum of three honey shows, each under the guidance of a different WHJ or Senior WHJ. Guidelines for stewards can be found in Appendix B. Opportunities for stewarding may be available at the YHBI, UFBC, or INIB honey shows. Please note that reservations can be limited for steward opportunities at these shows. WHJ Candidates additionally may be invited to steward a honey show or may self-initiate a honey show and volunteer to steward. If WHJ Candidates elect to do this, they must cooperate with a recognized organization such as the Florida State Beekeepers Association (http://www.floridabeekeepers.org/), Georgia Beekeepers Association (http://www.gabeekeeping.com), one of the many local beekeeper associations in Florida or Georgia, or through a county or state fair. WHJ Candidates must notify the WHJ board when stewarding a show that is not officially sanctioned by the YHBI, UFBC, or INIB prior to serving as a steward. WHJs and honey show stewards must wear proper WHJ attire (Appendix C). All stewarding activities should be documented in the WHJ Portfolio of Evidence (see WHJ Requirement 4).
3) Honey Show Participation Points - must earn 50 exhibiting points by showing items in honey shows
WHJ Candidates must earn a minimum of 50 exhibiting points which are accumulated by winning ribbons or prize cards at any Welsh Honey Show (see Appendix D) for how points are awarded). Some of these points should be earned by entering at least three different exhibit types at the UFBC, YHI or INB honey show at which the Candidate is testing for the WHJ level. These three exhibits will be used as part of the Candidate’s final exam (see WHJ Requirement 6). All exhibiting activities should be documented in the WHJ Portfolio of Evidence (see WHJ Requirement 4).
4) Develop a Welsh Honey Judge Portfolio
WHJ Candidates are encouraged to participate in as many organized honey shows as possible, both as a steward and as an exhibitor. This participation should include exhibiting honey and hive products, judging small local shows, stewarding larger shows, etc.
Documentation of all honey show activities should be displayed professionally in a WHJ Portfolio of Evidence (e.g. organized by date in a three-ring binder with associated pieces of evidence). Each activity must be documented with 1) a completed Documentation of Participation form (Appendix E) and 2) one additional Documentation of Evidence (e.g. an invitation from the honey show secretary, copies of prize cards, ribbons awarded, photographs of the Candidate at an event, sign-up list, article about the show in a local paper, etc.). All evidence must carry a signature of authenticity from the show secretary or other show officer.
The first page of the WHJ Portfolio of Evidence should be a Portfolio of Evidence Cover Page (Appendix F) which is a compiled list of the Candidate’s achievements and activities. The WHJ Portfolio of Evidence will be collected and reviewed during the Oral Exam process (see WHJ Requirement 6).
Candidates should begin assembling their Senior WHJ Portfolio of Evidence early in the process, documenting participation in honey shows as a steward, judge, and exhibitor.
5) Assemble a WHJ Judging Kit
All Candidates must assemble a WHJ Judging Kit. The kit must include certain items (Appendix G) that are important for judging honey. The Candidate must present the kit to the WHJ Board during his/her Oral Exam (see WHJ Requirement 6).
6) Final Exam
Candidates who have completed requirements 1-5 of the WHJ level will be eligible to take the WHJ Final Examination during a honey show associated with the YHBI, UFBC or INI. The Final Exam is composed of three parts:
a. Submission of exhibits: Individuals who are taking the Final Exam for the WHJ level, must enter at least three different exhibits into the honey show corresponding with their exam date. These three exhibits must include: (1) one piece of beeswax or candle, (2) one jar of extracted honey, chunk honey, or creamed honey and (3) one exhibit of the Candidate's own choice. The Candidate’s choice exhibit can be selected from the honey show schedule (i.e. what classes are available at that particular show) via the respective show’s website. The Black Jar Class cannot be one of the Candidate’s exhibits in the Final Exam. All three exhibits must be produced by the Candidate.
b. Practical Training Assessment (PTA): During the PTA of the Final Exam, a WHJ Candidate will discuss his/her submitted exhibits with a WHJ. The WHJ will provide feedback to the Candidate on these exhibits.
c. Oral Exam: A Senior WHJ will question the Candidate who must exhibit competency and understanding of the principals of Welsh honey judging. During this exam, the Candidate will present his/her WHJ Judging Kit and must be able to state when and how each item is to be used in a honey show. Candidates will be penalized if any items (Appendix G) are missing from their WHJ Judging Kit upon examination.
Candidates must register for the Final Examination and pay any additional fees associated with the exam. These exams are offered only at the annual or semi-annual honey shows held at the UFBC, YHBI, and INIB. Candidates successfully completing all of the required steps will become certified WHJs. New WHJs will be awarded a White Trilby Hat, Welsh Honey Judge Badge, and an official certificate during the relevant awards ceremony (YHBI, UFBC or INIB).
Need more information?
Questions about the Welsh Honey Judge program may be addressed to Brutz English at brutzenglish@gmail.com.